Lexi - ID# 261

News Package

Entry Description

An Eisenhower student who tragically passed away before her graduation date is still thought about. Lexi's one year anniversary is approaching and we get to know how you can still keep her memory alive.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/24 10:53 am - As others have stated, this was a very courageous effort and you handled it with a delicate and respectable approach; you should be proud! Looking forward, music and background noise will help tell the story just as much as the images and interviews. Find ways to use noise to move the emotion, and especially with a piece like this, move through emotions; from sadness to hope so to speak. Overall, great B-Roll and interviews, beautiful work with the family and I encourage you to keep working on your craft, especially when it comes to making the lives of others better.
  • 3/5 12:33 pm - Touching story that could have been difficult to do. It was done very tastefully. Reporter sounds like she is reading and was just handed the script. White balance off in some shots. Some audio on in the left channel. Would be better if you told us what Mrs. Dresden taught in her lower third. Good use of photos in with the b-roll.
  • 2/27 11:29 am - Powerful story idea. I commend you on taking on such a deep story. It is not easy to interview mother about a daughter she lost. You also got footage from the girls room which shows your commitment to this story. You did a nice job of allowing the story to tell itself, but maybe too heavy on the mom interviews. Maybe a little more use of nat sound.
Judge 1

Positives: touching story that connects with your audience. good story selection nice use of past footage to drive the story.

Improvements: I would have loved for you to start the piece with an interview bite. Thank you for sharing Lexi's story-- your vo was good but i would have loved to see the story told more through interviews

Judge 2

Positives: Touching story. Well written.

Improvements: Interview soundbite is upcut at 1;15. Producer and Editor should have caught that. Timing of video is off when narrator says the audience gave Lexi a standing ovation when her parents accepted her diploma. It's there but a little late. What was Lexi's condition? Was there a reason not to divulge it?

Judge 3



Judge 4

