Jade Quaze - ID# 3

Movie Trailer

Entry Description

This is the story of a girl who's just looking for a place to call home. Her name is Jade Quaze, and she's got a second half to her that's difficult to comprehend. After wandering through the woods most of her life she's dealt with it all, but that hasn't even come close to controlling the other half of her. And believe me, that's a sight you never want to encounter. Disclaimer: All 3D Models in this Short are made by me.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/30 11:20 am - Positives: Excellent animations! What a talent. Ending graphic is very impressive Improvements: Audio mix is off sometimes--the music seems a tad too loud and it is difficult to hear the voiceover. The story is somewhat unclear. I need some context--who is this girl? Where is she? You are telling us a lot of information and I wish I could see more.
  • 3/6 4:30 pm - Excellent 3d modelling and overall execution of the visuals for your story. Music was well done. Titles, graphics were all truly accomplished. Voice over could have been a bit crisper and resonant. It needed to cut through the mix more. The story was a bit hard to follow. I understand her as a protagonist and a fighter, but I wanted to see an visual representation of an antagonist...something to root against while I root for Jade.
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