Closer by Chainsmokers Feat Halsey - ID# 304

Music Video

Entry Description

Through the song Closer, two people remember the all time high and low points of their relationship they had together.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/7 3:32 pm - Nice camera work and cool title at the beginning. Your handheld camera movement was nicely planned and executed, I liked the mad girlfriend entering the library and then following the boyfriend back. Nice silhouettes in front of neon signs. Too many kissy scenes and typical hang out scenes, these got repetitive, maybe spend some time developing the characters as individuals at the beginning of the video to avoid some of the repetition.
Judge 1

Positives: Camera work: nice framing overall. Watch exposures, some shots were a bit too underexposed, especially at night. Camera moves were executed fluidly. Watch focus, most shots hit but some were soft. Great variety of shots and locations. Story: the narrative is clear. The characters are well defined. The relationships between all the characters are nicely established.

Improvements: Editing/storyline: for the most part the editing is well executed, though there are a few confusing moments. When the two protagonists are in the library and the guy leaves for a moment and drops his phone behind, it's not clear temporally when this takes place. The two protagonists had already experienced some trouble and they were apart, yet they are suddenly back together in the library? It was unclear if this was a flashback or why they would be in the same place together again after she'd burned pictures of them. Song choice: I'm not sure the song fits the story or vice versa. It's fine but it doesn't have the same emotional arc that the story does and in certain instances plays counter to the emotions of the characters on the screen, especially toward the end of the piece when they've struck discord.

Judge 2

Positives: On screen copy in the beginning was excellent. Sound quality was great and the quality of the darker scenes was well done. Nice job blending clips.

Improvements: The "production voice" at the end takes away from the story.

Judge 3



Judge 4

