The Silos - ID# 314

Hinsdale Central
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

Movie trailer project for student made horror/supernatural fiction film.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/7 11:42 am - DQ-video footage not produced by student
  • 3/5 10:39 pm - Excellent work! The location was excellent and your made full visual use of it. Great job with the basic story development. You build up the rising action to a great cliffhang indicative of any suspense/horror movie trailer. I wish I knew just a bit more exposition on this story. I'm not entirely sure who the characters are or who might be chasing them. Obviously they seem to know someone who passed away who might be haunting this space. I don't need a lot more in terms of story. But just an additional sentence or two would have helped solidify the background for your great rising action. The music cue was excellent at the end of the trailer, but I'm not sure it felt right at the beginning. I think it might have been better spent as an ending music stinger rather than the dominant cue.
Judge 1



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Judge 4

