Zavala's Cinematography Reel - ID# 336


Entry Description

A collection of work from 2016-2017 film projects. I worked as a director, director of photography, and drone pilot.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/14 2:36 pm - Positives: The drone shots are gorgeous--great movement and color. One of my favorite shots is when it says "misfits" and we see a close up on a boy's smiling face--love the emotion in that shot. Also the following shots that jump cut are very gritty and unique. Improvements: While I think the narration is a very creative and ties the piece together--I would have like for it to have been done by a young person--we see visuals of young people throughout--the voice is clearly of an older man.
  • 3/3 3:09 pm - I love how your story motivates your camera. I see this in the school hallway with the reveal of the dead body, the rack focus from the boy in the classroom to the girl at the studio window, and the pair of ECU’s of the boys crazed eyes as they anticipate being busted by the police. Additionally I like how you contrast your use of light from the moodily light dark hallway of the school interior to the brightly lit interior of a city business place. The darkly lit hallways scene provides the right ambience for the action. It’s sharp pools of light slash across the z-space of the shot and create a tense visual rhythm. The high natural light of the city place, on the other hand, accentuates the crisp whiteness of the interior and calls to attention the only saturated thing in the space: the girl writing. Be weary of your saturation levels on your football shots and the aerial shots. Grading should support the image and not vice versa. Here, the heavy saturation pulls the eyes away from the focal elements of the shots. For the aerials, the eyes to the bright grass, rather than the bridge at center rame. For football, they go to the red cardinal flag or the unnaturally green field, and not to the players.
  • 2/28 5:22 pm - Great narrative touch to bringing your shots into a visual story. The variety of shots really worked well to showcase your perspective and use of light and composition. The chroma key didn't work at all and certainly not at the end to finish it. Great range and point of view.
Judge 1

Positives: Great story telling!

Improvements: Green screen effect could be improved.

Judge 2

Positives: Some interesting scenes. Aerial drone content was well done.

Improvements: Voiceover doesn't enhance visuals so much, try with a version with music only. Chroma key shots are not very well executed.

Judge 3



Judge 4

