Ivy - ID# 337

Music Video

Entry Description

An avant-garde look at the phases of a breakup. Themes of nostalgia and dreams of the past are littered throughout. However much of the video, like much art, can be left up to the interpretation of the viewer based on their own experiences.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/7 2:59 pm - The video had a definite vibe. You created a dreamy reality very effectively. Great use of sun flare. Love the minimal shot on hill with blue sky . Wide but consistent palette of special effects. Your effects kept changing without getting choppy. The only exception that drew me out of your video were the busy backgrounds you used around 2 minutes. Also the smashing of plates was not the greatest use of symbols, if you intended them to tie into the break up.
Judge 1

Positives: Creativity. The variety of shots and effects, camera work, slow motion lip sync, title design, it's quite a melange of ideas and patterns and colors. Points for originality. Not sure I've seen much like it. Well done in that respect. Camera/exposures. My favorite shot is the wide of the protagonist dancing on the hill that fills half the frame and the blue sky filling the other half of the frame. All shots were well exposed and the frames were interesting. Careful with the use of lens flares/shooting directly at the sun. It's a nice effect when used sparingly. This walked the line of too much.

Improvements: Masking. I'm assuming it was purposeful to not precisely mask a lot of the effects, but the way it was executed it still looked a bit sloppy and more like a mistake or a lack of desire to make a precise mask frame-by-frame instead of a purposeful artistic choice. A lot of the other elements of this piece were so precise and well executed that it seemed an odd choice to have this seemingly lackadaisical element in contrast. Lip sync. It's very difficult to precisely time up slow motion lip sync, but if you're going to do it, it's crucial to nail the timing otherwise it's distracting and takes the viewer out of the piece. There were enough instances throughout where the lips and the voice didn't quite match that it was distracting and detracted from my enjoyment of your work. Especially in an abstract video, it's very important to not bring the viewer out of the experience or call attention to the artifice. Unless it was your intent to break the 4th wall like that, it's vital to make the production elements invisible and let the art speak.

Judge 2

Positives: Some good camera shots. Good music

Improvements: Hard to follow storyline and characters. Too confusing and too much left to viewer interpretation.

Judge 3



Judge 4

