Cinematic Reel by Brandon Boyce - ID# 333

Tinley Park

Entry Description

The cinematography reel of Brandon Boyce

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/14 1:20 pm - Positives: You have great shot variety, many different angles and compositions which shows your creativity as a cinematographer. I also enjoyed the time lapse moments. Improvements: While some of your camera movements are incredibly smooth, others are too shaky and it becomes distracting. I also noticed a lot of rack focus shots that do not have a clear purpose. Why are we changing focus?
  • 3/3 2:51 pm - One thing I love about your reel is that you shoot under different lighting conditions: golden hour, blue hour, night time, and allow the available lights in the shot to define your images, either through riming the subject, acting as a key for the subject, and/or by casting interesting hues on the subject. To me, the most noteworthy shots are the ones in the beginning and the end shot. The beginning shots use racking of focus along with strong compositions to create questions in my head that entice me to want to see more. The abstract chandelier shot as it twists in frame also provides quite a spectacle. The final timelapse, while a little overly bright, is still great to look at. After a while, the shallow depth of field competes for my attention. There are shots in here that are unfocused for a substantive amount of time, and they are focused for a relatively small period of time.
  • 2/28 4:18 pm - Great work on the time shifting, showcasing a variety of perspectives and locations, if you would have kept with this throughout it would have been much more dynamic. It was really distracting as you cut to shots that didn't guide the viewer's eye either through composition or through needless lens shake. I would suggest using the later part of the song as it builds to better pace your shots to the music. The exposure on quite a few of the shots were off, if you're not using a lens or a camera that functions as well in low light, use your hyperlapse shots instead.
Judge 1

Positives: I liked the use of interval recording.

Improvements: This video reel had to much focus recovery.

Judge 2

Positives: Excellent tone and sense of composition. Good diversity of lighting environments.

Improvements: Music is not a focus, but part of the reel nonetheless. At times it feels a little too subdued and could have a little more presence.

Judge 3



Judge 4

