Une journée dans la ville - ID# 351

Lyons Township

Entry Description

This is my cinematography reel. I tried to show a wide variety of locations and people, as well as angles and compositions, in an effort to simulate the diversity of life in the city.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 11:07 am - When choosing a subject or theme for your reel, ask yourself, “How can I show these subjects/places in a way that is unique and my own?” There is a good a mount of diversity with some strong compositions. My favorite shot was the overhead of the cyclists because there were so many elements working in your favor. When shooting in natural light, pay close attention to where it is coming from, the quality of light, and the color temperature. Some of the shots could have used a tripod because the shake distracted from the subject. The shot of the bird was a nice moment. Focus of that and try to fill the rest of your reel with these moments that are both compelling to watch and showcase your ability to manipulate light in your favor.
  • 3/6 8:19 am - great mini effect,
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