Kelly Zabors Cinematographer - ID# 369

New Trier

Entry Description

Cinematography reel.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/14 2:32 pm - Positives: I really liked the shot that is half underwater/half above the water--very cool effect. The shots with the two people wearing white are gorgeous--great color and composition. Improvements: Shots outside in the dark near the end are too dark and it is difficult to see what's happening. There is also a lack of mood to this piece--I think a different music choice to tie everything together would be appropriate.
  • 3/3 3:09 pm - My favorite shots in this were the relationship shots in the beginning. Here, your images are properly exposed and, because they are within a sequence, the help demonstrate how you build emotion through your camera work. The low light shots in the second half of the reel are represent your biggest improvement area. While I appreciate your bold attempt to capture the mood these shots offer, they are under exposed. Shoot using primes to attain your lowest apertures. Bump the ISO as much as you can without depreciating it with noise. And, consider bringing some additional lights to add some fill, whenever you can. A secondary aspect of shooting in low light is that your focus is soft. Perhaps it was hard to assess the proper focus under these conditions when manually setting the camera? Either way, out of focus images keep the eye from settling one what is important in your frame. Overall, don’t shy away from dark locations, just prepare for it. When you nail your technique, you’ll have some great shots.
  • 2/28 5:19 pm - Quite the variety of shots, it was hard to focus as the viewer because much of the montage feels random. Many of the shots were underexposed, which made it challenging to track the action as it went through your lens, especially towards the end. The opening shots worked much better and showed the different perspectives. Please do use a tripod so we can focus on what specifically you are trying to show us, especially on close/Xclose up shots.
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Judge 2



Judge 3



Judge 4

