The Big Match - ID# 388

Neuqua Valley
School Promotion

Entry Description

Students at Neuqua Valley High School anticipate the big match on Friday night.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/7 1:05 pm - Clever concept with good pacing! A few minor framing errors that could have been corrected in post. Audio could be a bit cleaner.
Judge 1

Positives: -The cut in the open is pretty fast, using one or two more cuts than necessary. This is good, considering the mood of the characters and the tone of the piece. - Framing and selection of shots tend to be good. -The structure of the story is simple and does not need explanation.

Improvements: -Shots begin and end on either side of the action or camera moves, instead of during. Like the dolly of the two players: the shot cuts just after the dolly stops instead of just before. It's noticeable. Noticeable is not good. -The opening greeting would also feel more high-energy if the cut got us to the lines just a hair too late. -The victory song should appear as suddenly as the crowd rather than fade up. -The shot of the defeated player is accompanied by a jarring alteration in sound, just for that one shot. I can't figure out why, either technically or stylistically. Either way, it's a mistake. -Shots during the match should be getting progressively tighter until the victory shot, instead of back and forth.

Judge 2

Positives: the pace and length of the video were perfect while still being informative. the videography was well executed.

Improvements: for the closeup chess pieces shots i saw minor shaking. a little more information on the event at the end of the video would help.

Judge 3

Positives: I like that it was a subject other than sports Good twist!

Improvements: Sound was a little jarring at times A little too over the top at the end.

Judge 4

