"The Dreamer" Trailer - ID# 41

Glenbrook South
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

Official trailer for the award-winning short film "The Dreamer," produced by Clayton Horwitz and Joshua Noll.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 5:22 pm - Good shot composition and editing. Lighting is very effective. Good use of line of dialogue as a voice-over at the conclusion of the trailer over the title of the film.
  • 3/22 7:46 am - Did a great job not breaking the 180 rule throughout the trailer. The dark lighting works well in favor of this trailer, showcasing the severity of this ‘study’. The sound is even through and through. The idea itself is well thought of, and portrayed very well.
  • 3/6 3:33 pm - The performance of the lead as well as the storytelling in the trailer were both outstanding. The editing and music choice both complimented the storytelling and made the story very compelling. The audio sync was off in a couple of places so always check your encode, especially if it is properly synced in your editing program. The graphics work bring a look of professionalism that subconsciously draw the viewer in. The camera work was very strong and gave the project a unique stylized look. The only awkward shot choice was after “Rory Penepacker” mostly because it is a close up where she is talking but were aren’t hearing the dialogue, as opposed to a CU with no speech, as with the rest of the leads’ close ups. Overall a very strong project.
Judge 1

Positives: Use of camera position and lighting in clinical sequences vs. dream sequences was excellent – shows range in fluency with light and visual storytelling. The final shot with the shadowed hand on the shoulder – WELL DONE. Narrative was clear and provided just enough to entice, but not spoil. Sound and dialogue was well-recorded for the most part, and use of ambient soundtrack with punctuated moments was effective for the horror/thriller elements. Nice job!

Improvements: A little color work during the clinic sequences could have pushed the aesthetic a bit further. Sequences where the lead is at home with his girlfriend could have used a little more intimacy with the camerawork. I would have liked to see the filmmaker utilize an older actor in the role of the doctor – would have helped sell the world of the film.

Judge 2

Positives: Looks and feels like a real trailer. Production quality is great as well as the graphics.

Improvements: Wish there was a bigger ending. Does a great job of pulling you in and then falls a little flat.

Judge 3



Judge 4

