Burke Self Documentary - ID# 44

Glenbrook North

Entry Description

As part of our class we had to produce self-documentaries. I used my family and friends to help tell my story.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 7:50 pm - I'm a pretty good reader, but the opening text wasn't up long enough to be read in its entirety. 0:45 - too much empty space lower/left. Awkward to have mother and friend speaking as if directly to main subject but he is not speaking directly to them in his sound bites. Her second sound bite needs some b-roll - too much talking head. Awkward that they speak of intimate moments and memories and characterizations of main subject but he doesn't address those at all. Overall - way too much talking heads, not enough b-roll. And confusion over the purpose of the story: mom and friend offer rare, intimate recollections, while main subject talks mostly about his interests with no circling-back to mom and pal.
  • 4/9 3:19 pm - Interviews with Mother and friend were good. Music worked well. Quotations could run longer so they can be read more easily. More still pictures and/or movement on the existing ones would break up the back and forth pattern between picture and interview.
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