When life is getting to be too much, a man choses a desperate act.
Positives: There is some nice potential in this idea - using creativity as an escape from day-to-day anxieties. We see a lot of evidence of this in current culture, the recent popularity of adult coloring books is an example. It has some good insight into people's behaviors related to creative escapes. The first music track does a nice job of setting the tone of the narrative, and the various audio elements are well mixed.
Improvements: NARRATIVE - I think you could do this idea with a bit more focus on the positive outcome, and a little less on the negative set up. The negative shouldn't be too severe. It could have been nice to change the environment, and show the hero out taking photos and interacting with family vs. alone at a desk. SOUND - the transition from the first track to the second is a bit abrupt. Try allowing them to crossfade a bit more.
Positives: Nice tag line at the end, with good VO and closing music. Story is good and i was able to discern the point of the commercial by the time I hit the tagline at the end. I like the heartbeats at the beginning...keep them going up until the camera hits the table. Baby crying, let it bleed over into the next scene... You did a good job to simulate the camera screen, however it's obvious you're working off of a still image. A live shot would've carried the scene a bit more strongly, even if you place the images in post.
Improvements: Music cutting out at :15 is a huge loss in the momentum you've built to that point...keep that music going or at least bring in your next track so that you don't lose what you've gained so far. Make the beginning sequence a bit more dramatic by varying your focal point, your focal distance... shots of the papers on the desk, tight face shots showing emotion, hand through hair, taking off glasses, a "to-do" list on the desk...etc. Desk a little more chaotic? Keep the feel going... Some continuity issues with where things are placed on the desk once you go for the camera and place it on the desk.