A Day at the Zoo - ID# 5

Lyons Township

Entry Description

A Day at the Zoo explores the whole gamut of color, contrast, and composition. Using only 2 lenses and NO COLOR CORRECTION, I tried to take advantage of natural light in considering my compositions. I feel like the zoo provided me with a great variety of options for subject matter.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 10:55 am - Nice choice of location for this piece. The zoo lent to a variety of subjects and coloring within your shots. The exposure was inconsistent throughout. Pay very close attention to your brightest and darkest points in frame when setting your exposure in natural or uncontrollable lighting situations. Be careful of reflections when your subject is behind glass, they can be distracting and movement in the reflection can take the viewer’s attention away from the subject. The shot that moves from above the water to below was a nice composition and movement but had no subject or motivation to boom down. The subjects in this piece were very interesting and compelling to look at but overall, the variety in lighting situations, lens choice, and movement were lacking. The zoo is a great start for a cinematography reel but should only be a part of what you use to showcase your talents.
Judge 1



Judge 2



Judge 3



Judge 4

