Franklin girls poms hold a successful color run fundraiser.
Positives: - Fun story! Good use of natural sound. - This is well shot. The variety of pictures helps the story flow and puts me right there with the fun and excitement.
Improvements: - It would be nice to hear more about how the fundraiser helps the poms team. The only mention is that money goes toward costumes. - Never start a story like this with "last month" or any reference to the past. I want to know the "now." For example, "the girls pom team is full of a colorful spirit." Then get into the fact that the fundraiser was last month. I wouldn't make the first two words "last month."
Positives: nice job iwth the beginning- strong opening using broll and nat sots! fun, active piece. did a great job with broll and action!
Improvements: would love to have seen a little more finessing at the end.