Bailey Lawrence's Reel - ID# 536

Lake Forest

Entry Description

Bailey's work from the last year

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/7 10:26 am - The strength of this piece lies in the composition and framing of each shot and their ability to visually tell a story. There was a theme of balance to each shot. The use of natural light and lens flare worked well in many shots, like the swing, but others needed some exposure adjustment (little girl in the doorway).
  • 3/6 8:10 am - good framing and use of lens flair and camera movement
Judge 1

Positives: Great use of framing and movement to tell the stories.

Improvements: Use longer scenes instead of fast cuts.

Judge 2

Positives: Music timed with editing was excellent. The combination of the two drew me in. I liked you detailed shots of hands, etc...

Improvements: Make sure you white balance every shot and if you want to go for something off white then do it in post. Some of the lighting in the outdoor shots I did not like.

Judge 3



Judge 4

