Calypso - ID# 530

Comedic Narrative

Entry Description

why sugar is bad

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/7 10:14 am - Needs better audio. Too much background sound. Great "eye" editing transition/cut/CG/graphic. Loved the MICHELLE Obama part.
Judge 1

Positives: Humor was great. Michelle Obama beat was very funny. Originality was also a real plus. Kudos brothers. Also loved that final shot. Nice art direction.

Improvements: Love the “get” but wished there was more of a pay off to the story. Thought the story was funny and because of that — wanted more humor. When in doubt, always turn back to the script and make it as good as possible.

Judge 2

Positives: The use of Floyd music is good...the value of the satire overcomes the psychedelic cliches

Improvements: None

Judge 3



Judge 4

