Teacher Stereotypes - ID# 544

Comedic Narrative

Entry Description

In the style of the "Stereotype" series on YouTube, Max Zlatnikov gives us "Teacher Stereotypes".

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 2/28 4:02 pm - You’ve got some funny moments here, especially near the top. Unfortunately, for me at least, the joke gets a little tired by the end. I feel like this would play pretty well as an SNL skit but doesn’t really hold up as a film. You’ve got some solid filmmaking skills though, and I’d love to see what you could do with a good script to work with. Your lighting is consistently good, audio is solid, and shot composition is solid throughout and occasionally creative. My big critique is simply that the story doesn’t go anywhere, so it’s ultimately not especially satisfying. Good skills though- work on getting a script worthy of your talent.
Judge 1

Positives: I liked the graphics "chaptering" the narration. The camera shots were framed well.

Improvements: Lots of ambient audio noise. The video levels were pretty bleak. I know it's tough just going with the light available.

Judge 2

Positives: Big concept here. Enjoyed the scope of it. I also enjoyed the writing. Very funny at times.

Improvements: I see why you went with a different actor for the final vignette but think it would been better if you stuck with the same person for all. That's not to say the final kid wasn't good -- it just took me out as a viewer and you never want that happen. I was like, "Whoa, who's that?" Would've loved some kind of button to the short. Felt like it just ended.

Judge 3



Judge 4

