THE FILM CLUB – Official Trailer 2017 - ID# 548

Movie Trailer

Entry Description

A mid season NBC replacement? The Film Club is a parody or spin off of the popular show The Office, giving the audience an insight of what really happens at a “normal” film club meeting.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 5:16 pm - I thought the opening really caught the viewer's attention. I thought it was an interesting idea to create a movie trailer for an upcoming television series. Perhaps this entry could lead to a new category for future festivals.
  • 3/22 7:47 am - The short shots timed to match the music are very well done, and timed fantastically. The “interviews” within are framed well, but the subject is in the middle of the shot, remember the rule of thirds. Lighting and sound are pretty even throughout, dialogue is easy to follow with the music playing.
  • 3/6 3:55 pm - The technical aspects of this trailer left something to be desired. The camera looked like it was on auto-iris and the changing exposure levels were very distracting. The concept of the story was interesting and the music choice made it feel like an homage to the office. The editing was smooth and helped move the piece along.
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