Friday Nights at MHS - ID# 559

School Promotion

Entry Description

I was given the task of creating a video to promote interest in being a part of Friday Night football games. Rather than doing a standard interview story I decided I wanted to try and promote it without any words and let my visuals and editing to the talking for me. The video is assembled from footage shot from the first couple of football games. My goal was not just to promote the football program but show the different groups that are a part of the night. From football, to flags, to flutes, to fans (and hopefully even a little more).

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/7 6:54 pm - Good opening sequence, but use a more interesting font than the default for your title. Great music bed--dramatic & forceful energy. The drone footage is overused throughout. However, the drone footage works great when retimed for the marching band formations. Game footage is also predominantly long shots--more shot variety would have helped it be less repetitive. Sideline camera clip breaks the 4th wall, and the black framing shifts throughout the piece; distorted clip @2:06?; too many shots don't feature much energy/action to match music bed. A shorter piece with the weaker clips omitted would have made this a stronger entry.
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