How To Do Your Friend's Makeup - ID# 568

Maine South

Entry Description

A step-by-step makeup application tutorial.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 9:14 pm - I liked the step-by-step pacing and progression. Add shot variety to keep my interest as a viewer. It is clear that there is humor built in, but, it almost takes away the makeup artist's credibility. Not sure if that was the intent? If so, consider how the rest of the video could have enhanced this aspect of humor?
  • 3/7 11:24 am - Fun idea and you clearly know the steps and techniques. I wanted you to share that knowledge with me with more instruction (v/o narration?) and explanation of how and why to do things. Consider being more intentional with the humor, like you do in the 'before and after', with why the use of a male model, perhaps doing only 1 side of the face to compress time, etc.
  • 3/7 11:08 am - The show carried the task forward in a step-by-step manner, however the production value needed work. The single shot was an effective master shot, but you needed different shots to cut to for each step. Close ups of the face, eyes, etc., as you apply the different make up components. Also, your graphic design needed work. Fonts needed to be bigger and something different than helvetica white. Also at times the text was not on screen long enough for the viewer to fully read the step before it cut off screen. Consider having each step have some voice over to break up the song and graphics. It would also give additional context for each step and help educate the viewer.
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