DreamDiecastCars Reel - ID# 574


Entry Description

Highlights of all the cars I have filmed over the past year. This video includes many super cars, including a Koenigsegg which is worth over a million dollars!

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/7 12:30 pm - Camera movement is very smooth, but you are not playing with depth of field at all, nor do you spend much time considering your lens choices (other than extra wide angle lens of go pro).
  • 3/7 7:24 am - Very nice camera work throughout. Good mixture of static, moving, wide, and close shots keeps the viewers engaged. I especially like the vantage points that people don’t normally get to see when operating a vehicle. Weather can play a big role is color reproduction and some of the cloudier shots caused your frames to look muddy in comparison to the nice sunny day, full of contrast. Also, with cars, every surface reflects. Study your frame carefully and watch out for reflections. Seeing the camera operator in several shots kills the elegance of the camera movement.
  • 3/4 1:10 pm - some great overhead shots, lots of tracking shots. lacking contrast in most shots due to time of day filming.
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Judge 4

