Explanation - ID# 585

Oak Park River Forest
Seven Day Challenge

Entry Description

Video created for the seven day challenge. The group that made this is larger than those who were credited. The entire crew is in the description of the video.

Recent Teacher Comments

Judge 1

Positives: You have really solid coverage throughout. There's a good variety of shots and they all cut together really nicely. You maintain great screen direction and eye lines as well, which just adds to making this feel really polished. Your actors were really really strong and really helped to sell the world of the film. They both were very intense and worked well in competition with one another. It was obvious that they had memorized their lines and were actually performing, rather than just reading or reciting them.

Improvements: The ending lacked any sort of climactic moment. As the flashbacks keep building on one another, I was waiting for a big reveal at the end, but it sort of fell flat. I understand that it was intention for the start of this whole issue to be really minor ("meathead"), but I would have liked at least a more dramatic reaction or some sort of closure to the story. Just having the one guy walk out didn't feel like it was enough, and it felt like it ended kind of abruptly. This is nitpicky, but some of the shots feel just a tad too dark. (I think this was due to color correction, not poor exposure when shooting). Even with my screen on full brightness, there were a few shots that felt a bit dim. I would've liked to have the shots a little brighter, and the contrast upped so that the colors would pop a bit more. For example, the first scene is too warm and lacks a bit of contrast which you can tell when looking at the dry erase board (it's not true white)

Judge 2



Judge 3

Positives: Interesting storytelling vehicle

Improvements: Work on pacing. Story was very anti-climactic.

Judge 4

