Be the Stapler - ID# 591

West Chicago
Seven Day Challenge

Entry Description

Two student assistants face off in the ultimate stapling showdown in this original short comedy.

Recent Teacher Comments

Judge 1

Positives: Your actors were a lot of fun and clearly worked together really well to make the characters believable. They had a ton of energy and were a great duo. The moments when you contrasted them visually (for example, one guy stuffing his face with cake while the other is running) worked really well and were pretty funny. Great use of the music from classic movies to really nail the tone and the feel of those scenes. We all recognize that music and so when we hear it, it makes us think of those classic scenes and we immediately understand whats happening.

Improvements: You could've used some more coverage overall of most of your scenes - but especially the dialogue ones. There are some jumpcuts between identical frames (for example in the first conversation), and you could have benefitted from being able to cut to a different angle to avoid having to use a jumpcut. There was such a huge build up throughout the film for the final battle and it kind of fell flat. It ended up being fairly anticlimactic after the entire movie has basically been hyping us up for this moment. The battle could've either been more dramatic, or I would've liked to see the aftermath. The piece ends immediately as the battle ended and it needed some room to breathe and see how the characters were reacting to the outcome.

Judge 2



Judge 3

Positives: Funny premise

Improvements: Unoriginal. The premise of competing to staple things is funny, but using the Rocky montage music is a little too on the nose. Also nothing happens really.

Judge 4

