Seeking - ID# 592

Neuqua Valley
Seven Day Challenge

Entry Description

A boy struggles with a unique relationship that seems to be overtaking his life

Recent Teacher Comments

Judge 1

Positives: You had a good amount of coverage and shot variation which worked very well to tell your story. You had lots of options to be cutting in between and it helped to tell the story. There was a good variety of wide shots, mediums and closeups, as well as some handheld shots and others that were static. It made the piece feel very dynamic. The music worked really well to help tell the story and kept a consistent tone throughout. The piece of music was a good choice, and you kept it at a great volume throughout so that we could hear it, but it didn't distract from the voice over.

Improvements: I feel like the transitions between scenes could have been stronger. Instead of just going to a moment of black, the scenes could have been tied together in a way that had them flowing into one another, instead of feeling disjointed. Overall, the piece could have been condensed. Some of the characters thoughts about Violet got a bit repetitive - he just keep talking about how much he needed her and it dragged on a bit too long. I'm a bit confused by the story and was waiting on a more climactic moment that never seemed to happen. It seemed to be left a bit too ambiguous, and I think the story could have benefitted from some clarification of details. Who exactly is Violet, how did he meet her, is she real, is she alive/dead? All of these questions were being presented, but we were never given the answers which makes the end feel unfulfilling.

Judge 2



Judge 3

Positives: Good sound. Liked the odd camera work at the end.

Improvements: I dont really understand the story. Was the girl imaginary? Was she dead? Where were you going? Did I miss something?

Judge 4

