Paperweight - ID# 601

Crown Point
Seven Day Challenge

Entry Description

Seven Day Challenge submission surrounding a nonsensical debate regarding the best way to bind papers together.

Recent Teacher Comments

Judge 1

Positives: The pacing and editing of this piece was so strong. It was so consistent throughout and really gave this film a very very definitive style that felt very well thought through. The quick back and forth cutting between the dialogue made everything feel very punchy and maintained a high level of energy. The quality of your sound was also great. It was a smart move to not show anyone's faces so that you were able to record all of the dialogue separately and have better control over the quality. Overall, this with the editing made the piece feel extremely polished.

Improvements: Maybe you could have had a bit more shot variation? Since you weren't showing the characters faces, you were limited to showing a lot of shots of hands. Maybe you could've gotten more shots of feet, backs of heads, etc. just to switch it up a bit?

Judge 2



Judge 3

Positives: Perfect. Good use of humor. I liked the odd shots, especially not showing anyone's face. This was superbly creative. Keep up the hard work.

Improvements: As much as I liked the lack of faces, it made it confusing as to who was speaking, especially with such quick cuts.

Judge 4

