Chicago Auto Show - ID# 79

Glenbrook South
Natural Audio News Package

Entry Description

This is the natural audio news package we produced after spending time at the media preview of the Chicago Auto Show with other credentialed members of the press.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/15 3:06 pm - Composition good on most shots. Nice variety of shots. Audio needed work, too many abrupt changes. Not enough information to create a story.
  • 3/7 11:15 am - Nicely done, you gave us nice shots of the latest cars. Not lots going on with the nat sound, next time you may want to give us more information through interviews. I think this piece could have used a central focal point. The interviews didn't seem come together to form a story, they seemed independent of one another.
  • 3/1 3:47 pm - Watch for the floating mic in the shot. Some of the audio does not have a direction, an example is 24-39 seconds. This audio does not help tell your story of the auto show. A better way would be to have one of the speakers that is there talking. Watch your camera work because it is shaky at times.
Judge 1

Positives: The best part of the piece was :38-1:04. You used a long sot with correlating video. It was a variety of shots visualizing what the woman was saying. I like that you tried to showcase multiple aspects of such a large show. You picked a topic that potentially could work well for a nats/pkg.

Improvements: There was no story line here. To me, this looks like some raw video and sots that could be cut down into a vo/sot. I'm not sure if the focus was supposed to be the consumers who attended the show or the car makers themselves. What was the intention of fading to black between elements? It was quick enough that I understand it was a transition. However, it looked like frames of black that were accidentally left in the piece. Fading to black works well for fast, action packed movie trailers. In a news piece, it looks like a mistake. I think your nats were good but they needed an explanation. Tell me about the Jeep driving experience or the Ford robot. Imagine your viewer hasn't been to the auto show.

Judge 2

Positives: The bites were clear and concise. Lots of shots of cars.

Improvements: Pacing could be improved. The shots feel flat and static. The nat sound between the bites is too long. It does not add to the piece. I would only use natural sound breaks if you have some good sound moments. If this were to air on TV it these long natural sound breaks would seem like a mistake. This could have a stronger beginning and ending.

Judge 3

Positives: The pictures show the crew spent a good deal of time covering the major points of interest at the show and that takes a lot of effort. Congratulations.

Improvements: The piece told no story and at the end of the day was just a collection of sights and sounds. The interviews were not descriptive. Also, the auto show is full of eye candy. Many missed opportunities for angled or tracking shots.

Judge 4

