This is a demonstration for how to make a pen. I tried to incorporate my love of woodworking with my passion for film and video. Enjoy.
Positives: Very interesting subject. Well done.
Improvements: A bit complex for 3 minutes, but you made it work.
Positives: This was beautifully shot and very well lit. Impressive
Improvements: Vocal quality matters, I think a stronger voice would enhance the video. I think for the novice explaining what a pen blank would be helpful. Over all I think this was very good.
Positives: The camera work is beautiful! You kept the focus on the appropriate action in your tutorial. You use a variety of shots and angles. The editing was also very effective. The shots were on screen just the right amount of time to see the action. And the pacing held my interest.
Improvements: The only thing I can think to put in this comments box is the fact that you didn't mention anything about using safety gear while working with power tools. You can mention rolling up your sleeves and wearing eye protection.