4/6 3:48 pm - Good song choice. Some of the audio edits were a little harsh (at the end the music just cut out before the final person spoke). Add in some of the natural audio from the b-roll - they were great shots that appeared to show a lot of enthusiasm and school spirit, but hearing it would have added more to the video.
3/12 11:32 am - Great idea for a video to show pride in your school.
3/12 11:32 am - Don't just cut the music off. I was enjoying the flow of the video and it just abrubtly ended.
3/12 11:31 am - Your non-action shots need a tripod or a steadier shot.
3/12 11:31 am - Good choice of music
3/12 11:31 am - Shot of the scoreboard may be unnecessary. There's no tripod, and it isn't really advancing your story.
3/12 11:29 am - Please use a microphone. This is a great idea, so go through the hard work of putting a microphone on each person you are interviewing. It enhances the value of your production so much more.
3/12 11:28 am - Some of your b-roll shots have zooms. They're distracting to the viewer because they are so fast and abrupt.