Title Sequence - ID# 175

Riverside Brookfield
Division: A

Entry Description

This Title Sequence demonstrates my shot composition, camera movement, and use of lighting. I’ve utilized my reel into a potential title sequence for a movie.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/21 1:06 pm - Pros - Some of the shots at the beach and in the car looking out at the palm trees create a nice feel for the viewer. Cons - The high contrast black and white filtration was somewhat inconsistent, causing your underexposed shots to look flat. The underexposures stand out because of the copious amounts of video noise in the mid-tones and highlights. The black and white filtration left me feeling like it was a cover for the inconsistent exposures. When shooting something in black and white, exposure and color values are extremely important because they team together to create the images' tonality.
  • 3/12 11:03 am - Need to take the titles out for the reel so we can judge the shots better. Feels over-exposed so it is again hard to evaluate the cinematography.
  • 3/12 8:37 am - This is heavily filtered and worked wonderfully with the water. But the shots seemed a bit run and gun. You've got a lot going with the water though. In regards to a reel I would get rid of most of the titles
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