Late Night Style Talk Show Produced by RBTV’s Third Period TV Arts Production Class. The Program Showcases students and Staff from Riverside Brookfield High School. The show is hosted be sophomore student Vejas Cuplinskas. The show was crewed and edited by the class.
Positives: Cool use of drone video in the opening sequence. The set looks good. I like how the questions progress, so we're learning more and the conversation continues with ease.
Improvements: The narrator audio was very low in the opening sequence and the music was too high. The talent should give more of an introduction about the guest. I'm going to guess this is a teacher at the school. Could have asked the guest for pictures from his baseball days to cover up some of the interview. The talent needs to make sure he's listening to the guest's answers. The guest mentioned he got a scholarship and one of the follow up questions was if he got a scholarship.
Positives: Very impressive visual open to the show.
Improvements: There should be some kind of introduction to Mark Ori before the host launches into his first question. This is a little inside baseball. The guest might as well be reading his resume. The show seems a little mechanical.