Animal Adoption - ID# 180

Riverside Brookfield
Division: A
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

This Animal Adoption PSA was produced in partnership with the Animal Care League & Cat Nap from the Heart

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/13 10:44 am - Good pacing overall. Would benefit from a bit more compositional variety. The close-ups of people with pets are nice, but both activity shots are high-angle from 5.5 ft. and not very interesting. Great V.O. & good pacing of info. Nice choice for music bed that changes to an upbeat selection in the second half, but the music ends abruptly.
  • 3/13 10:43 am - Good,story, but it would would benefit from more tight shots of people interacting with the pets--there are 5 'sad shots' in the first half (15 sec)--much like the ASPCA commerials. Only 2 close-ups of happy people with pets in the 2nd half, showing the personal connection that is the story behind pet adoption. The 2 dogs running around could have been more interesting with a low, flat angle, instead of identical high angle framing.
  • 3/12 9:06 pm - This was a very simple PSA, but one that was well done. It contained the three elements necessary for effective PSAs. You effectively introduced your problem and reinforced it with cited statistics and then gave your audience a place to learn more or to help. The voice over was succinct and clear. Some of your footage was a bit softly focused and it distracted from the message. The logos you used at the end didn't seem to be the best quality and seemed less high resolution than your text. Your music transition between your songs was a bit abrupt. Finally, and this may sound a bit harsh, but this PSA did not really offer anything new. It was well done in carrying out the intended message but it varied little from the ASPCA PSAs we see on television all the time. How can you be creatively different and hook your audience in a different manner? It's a question worth exploring, because your idea was carried out well, but it wasn't original and therefore not particularly memorable.
  • 3/3 10:05 am - Positive: It was succinct and to the point. You didn't do too much. You got close to the animals, connecting us with their eyes and personalities. The music change leads us to positive thoughts and an uplifting hope. Good job giving us a direction to learn a bit more information about this topic
  • 3/3 10:04 am - Improvements: You some blurry footage. It is distracting and takes away from the emotional connection. Instead of bringing up and down the music levels, set your voiceover level first and then set your music to be quieter. But don't slide the level up and down. It's noticeable and music should be subtle. And lastly, it looks like your last stat is wrong. You say that 7.6 million "are left in animal shelters". According to that gives a similar stat, they say, "Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year." -entering vs left are two very different things. If you do use a stat, it is always a good idea to attribute where it comes from in text on video with a date of the stat.
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