4/26 7:40 am - 0:03 - Wide cam too wide, and why isn’t it setup dead-center? It's also downhill-left. Hero cam should be setup on tripod next to wide cam and used after every basket and every great defensive play. Reporter needs mic at her mouth, ready to talk. Great use of endzone cam. Handheld cams should be too wide rather than too tight; never cut-off athletes’ heads in a cutaway shot. Good on-camera talent.
4/25 8:47 am - Sideline reporter talks REALLY fast. Enjoyed the interview with the AD but shot goes out of focus briefly. Enjoyed the calling of the action from the play-by-play person especially how he transitioned back from the sideline interview. Most of the action was switched correctly, did not like when the ball was under the basket and the opposing team's shot was blocked how it was switched to that underneath shot. As a viewer it is a little jarring to have that change so quickly in an important moment. I understand the instinct to go with the tighter shot but in the sequence it is a bit jarring. Otherwise well done.
3/12 8:26 am - Play by play announcer does a great job describing what's going on. He's clearly done his homework and knows the players on the floor for both teams. Color analyst comes in at the right moments and provides additional insight. Sideline and courtside reporting is a tough job but the cut in this clip worked well at the timeout and talking to the AD about a related winter sport (cheerleading). This is very well done on the whole and I can see you guys gaining a following among fans for replays of your broadcasts as well as parents and family members that cannot go to games all the time. Nice!
3/3 9:51 am - Positive: Very informed play by play announcer. He knew the names of not only the home team, but also the visiting team. It sounded like he had a history and knowledge of basketball. There seemed to be a flow between play by play and color commentator. I love the on-court reporter. She asked good questions and kept it short. Sideline cameras as an additional angle and perspective. Awesome live scoreboard.
3/3 9:51 am - Improvements: A secondary camera up top would be a nice option (allowing a zoomed in look and follow of a player or coach). The mix was decent. If you don't have replay, it would be nice to change the camera angle a little more often to engage the viewer with the visual.