Comedic Narrative production featuring a student leaving the school library after the end of a long day.
Positives: Good camera angles. Well thought out stalking sequence.
Improvements: Some shaky shots early. Keep it on the tripod. Some scenes were too dark and you lost detail.
Positives: Super fun open! Really enjoyed it. The mystery of the strange forms stalking the hero was a lot of fun and kept me engaged. Also enjoyed the humor of how and when the stuffed demons appeared, especially the drinking fountain reveal. Loved the score! Nicely timed.
Improvements: First, a caveat - making a short is never easy. I applaud you for diving in. As far as criticism goes,I would've liked a little more story and a stronger ending to your story. It goes a little flat in the middle and without a twist (surprise) at the end, it's not as satisfying as I was hoping. If filmmaking is your passion, I encourage you to challenge yourself to always surprise your audience. Ideally, that surprise comes in the end but in reality, you should be thinking about it in every scene. It's clear that you did when thinking about how to reveal the omni present evil stuffies. Keep at it!
Positives: The noir style worked well and the music accentuated the actions nicely
Improvements: Slow at the beginning--lacked focus and direction until fountain jump cut at end scene when music stopped needed something there