This was the custom hype video for the Varsity Boys' Basketball team. We put a lot of production into this, scheduling shoot days on Sunday evenings in order to have full control of the basketball court.
Positives: Editing - Pace sells the tone. The consistency of cuts, movement, and music do the entirety of the job it they need to do, as far as feel goes. Editing - you could say the post effects are heavy-handed, but sticking with the ragged, jumpy effects for the whole piece turn it into 'style'. The style works for the piece, capturing a tone for this sort of piece that was popular some time ago. Lighting - Consistent. Could be more side on the hero shot's but that's a matter of style and preference. Well lit and exposed.
Improvements: Story - Feel free to get another Hero take on Josh Berry in which he doesn't almost lose the ball. Lighting - Could afford to slow the lights down a bit on the hero shots of a couple of the white guys. Hot spots on the face.
Positives: graphics were very nice,smooth camera movement
Improvements: get more energy out of the players for the single shots
Positives: Nice use of lighting effects. Nice use of graphics Quick paced
Improvements: The Shaky effect was a little much with the fans. Maybe a little over use of effects.