3/13 10:40 am - Effective opening, although the chanting went on just a bit long. Should be original footage or copyright-free; news clips would need permission.
Good variety of POV video walking IN the march, mixed with the other footage. A variety of audio source are mixed well.
3/13 10:39 am - DQ-- multiple profanity violations, which is a shame. It would have been worth it to use footage that was clean for a school video festival, and would not have lessened the impact of the story..
3/9 1:30 pm - Overall, this video is well produced. Your biggest strength lies with sound mixing. Great job working with the bullhorn audio as well as the dialogue from your secondary sources. Your music was mixed below all of this and it was just audible enough to give the piece a tone and pace. Title cards are well placed and designed.
The profanity and use of secondary, uncited sources makes this video suspect. Both of these things are not allowed under the current rule stipulations. But aside from these things, the messaging needs some overall improvement. I think you do a tremendous job of creatively introducing your social issue. But you need to synthesize that idea with a singular statistic or statistics about sexual harassment/assault or abuse in the workplace. Having voice over state these things as well as display them as text would have help ground your message and make it very clear and direct. Your ending title card is good, but it's not on screen long enough to be read by an audience. Overall, this is a very nice montage with good sound design, but PSAs need a bit more structure than this.
3/3 10:04 am - Positive: Great rhythm at the beginning; really great use of real sound; good job giving a direction at the end; effective messaging
3/3 10:04 am - Improvements: "Profanity: not allowed; bleeping of words is not acceptable; deleting the audio but still being able to see the mouth form the words is not acceptable." - there was profanity on signs, in spoken word. There are ways to communicate this very important message without going down the road of using that same language.
Ripping clips has impact, but I assume you don't have the rights to these clips since I haven't seen it in the comments. This should be your own work.