Together Trailer - ID# 404

Glenbrook South
Division: A
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

Neil goes to an open mic night at a local coffee shop and delivers a poem he wrote about his most recent relationship. Neil suffers from OCD. In his poem, Neil tells the audience at the coffee shop about how he met Violet and immediately falls in love with her. The film takes us through their relationship. We see their relationship slowly deteriorate until the bitter end.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/23 8:23 am - Pros - The locations chosen for this trailer work very positively for the piece overall. Each important character is set up well with the shots that were used and the performances by the two leads aid the storytelling in a way that is essential to the success of this trailer. Although slow at the beginning, the pacing of the editing builds positively to create suspense and enhance the onscreen drama of the relationship. Cons - The opening dialogue is very hollow, setting a negative tone for the piece. The sound improves as the trailer progresses, but all of the dialogue we hear is off-screen, so there is no reason it shouldn't all be clean. The story is intriguing but a bit vague - there doesn't seem to be enough at the point of attack to convince the audience to see the film. The foreboding moments of the male lead are too dark to convey the desired emotion. Too much time is spent on the building of the relationship, especially with the two back to back soft focus shots, leaving too little time to explain why the male lead freaks out. I watched the trailer three times before I ever read the description provided, which gave me a lot of addition information that I never got in the piece. All of that information should be present in the video itself in order to make it as strong as possible.
  • 3/9 12:37 pm - Great use of locations. Think we need more to the story... We need some more info on what's going to go wrong in this story to make us really want to watch the full movie. Production wise- it's great! Story wise- needs a little work.
  • 3/8 9:33 am - Great shots, nice locations. Romance gone wrong, but we get a lot of romance established in the trailer. Can we get more 'wrong' established? Also, watch your use of color value and light. Is it consistent? Is this what you want to communicate?
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