Creaky footsteps and howling wind may not be all that looms in the night...
Positives: The creature/monster at the end was well-realized, and the story had me guessing about the true motives of the girl on the other end of the phone.
Improvements: The ending could be better realized - did the girl summon death by some form of voodoo/witchcraft? Also, it’s unclear where the bear/rose came from. I can get behind summoning a dark force, but the logistics of placing things around the house (did the talking bear have any significance?) are a little lost on me. I like the general idea of the narrative and character motivations, but the story execution can be tightened up.
Positives: Thumbs up for creativity. You try a lot here- video game screen capture, fairly effective text/photos superimposed, glowing red eyes, etc. It's not all flawless, but a lot of it works.
Improvements: The story's a little enigmatic to me. It seems like the spurned girl gets vengeful, but I don't understand how the table was suddenly set with the necklace inside the rose. I thought the other girl was going to bed, and suddenly she's in a dining room. As much as I love some of your lighting, too much of it was just dark and thus confusing.