My story in China - ID# 424

Lake Forest
Division: A

Entry Description

Exploring China young and old

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/24 9:10 pm - Need old pix/film to match V/O. Need to hear from these folks - sit down and interview them, use interpreter there or use one to record V/O later after you return home. But you can’t travel that far and not have them do a sit-down. Too much V/O. More natsot to make viewers feel like they're there.
  • 3/9 3:10 pm - First shot of the film is shaky… rough opening. The voice over read is too fast. Why is there only narration and no other voices or interviews? By the time we get to the painter scene, the narrative is heavily based on singular narration, and unfortunately, it doesn't really work. As a travelogue, the camerawork doesn’t hold up to the spare elements of narration and music.
  • 3/5 5:06 pm - I like the idea of a video diary and you have beautiful footage, but it's the wall to wall voice over that I find hard to follow. There is no space there for you to take a breath and let the audience be in the moment with you. The lighting in your painting sequence is beautiful.
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Judge 4

