In the divisive times in which we find ourselves, this PSA asks an important question - if we're going to build walls, what kind should they be?
Positives: I both like and dislike the story. I like the idea of standing up and standing with others when they are faced with injustice. The black and white look is effective.
Improvements: Now the part I didn't like about the story. I think the "let's build a wall of protection around those we love" story gives the unintended message of "the best way to fight injustice is to isolate the victim". Consider a story like "instead of building walls, let's build bridges" instead. Also don't be afraid to use extreme close-ups. When the kid is firing off the insults use some shots of just his mouth as the words come out, or just his eyes with a look of anger/hate as you hear the insults directed at the other kid.
Positives: Strong, simple concept which can be visually communicated. I like your black and white look, too.
Improvements: I think the antagonist's performance could have been strengthened with a few more close-ups of him, showing his transition from angry and abusive to blocked and ineffective. Camera work was a little shaky and would benefit from some stabilization.