Exploring the vibrant colors of the changing seasons of the Earth and of life.
Positives: Good camera work and editing.
Improvements: I would like to see less scenics and more people. Use close ups and cutaways.
Positives: -There were some nice compositions. I really liked the composition of the two people sitting together at :24. And the image of the person on the bench was a nice use of negative space. -The walk and talk shot at 1:14 is well executed. That can be a tricky shot to get, but this is nice and smooth - also well framed.
Improvements: -There were some shots that didn't feel like they had a subject. Like the shot of the boats near the end. Even when you're shooting something big and wide like that, you want to identify a subject within. -I would've liked to see more scenes with interior lighting. Controlling and constructing your images, as opposed to finding them in the wild. Obviously there's merit to capturing landscapes and buildings in an interesting way, but I think cinematographers really grow when they start to think about controlling/shaping light.
Positives: You had some very creative shots and nice camera moves
Improvements: I think some of your shot could use a little better color editing or is a little on the dark side.