The Drain - ID# 53

Division: AA
Movie Trailer

Entry Description

This is a found footage movie trailer about four kids who explored a storm drain. They never returned.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 3/11 4:19 pm - I like the choice of location. That makes the setting a unique concept for this premise. I also like how you use different illumination methods: flare and flashlight. This provides different qualities of ambience. Conceptually, I wish there was more to this, since this so similar to The Blair Witch Project. Now, if you’re going to adopt a concept (the found footage device) add to it. Make it original by juxtaposing or adding to it with devices to make something new out of it. The sound bed is a little sparse. Perhaps include an ambient drone just to fill all the silence of the titles. This will help to build the mood and unify the production elements. Also, add some subtle effects or animation to the titles, so they add to the mood of the work. The Arial font isn’t doing much to improve these areas, besides just adding plot information.
  • 3/4 4:33 pm - Story: This is basically really cool except for one thing- The Blair Witch Project came out 19 years ago and stole your thunder. I like a lot about this, but to be honest, it seems like a pretty direct rip off of Blair Witch (and other found footage films) which undercuts your overall appeal. Camera: Given the found footage genre, I think this is very well shot. I like the black and white. It’s believable as found footage without being horribly shaky. Very solid job. Lighting: Again, I’m impressed. You accomplish the documentary look without making it all look like a muddy mess. Props. Sound: Solid here too. No complaints. I kind of want music earlier on, but I understand you’re going for the authentic rough footage aesthetic. Nicely creepy use of London Bridge at the end. Works for me. Editing: I’m not a fan of your bare bones title cards. I have a bias against black and white arial font (or whatever that default font is). I see it WAY too much, and it just smacks of lazy editing to me. I also don’t love the repetitious fade outs. I feel that it keeps the trailer from gathering momentum. Again, it just feels lazy to me. Final thoughts: Lots of talent here. It’s good, but it’s not fresh.
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