GBN Girls Gymnastics Invite - ID# 7

Glenbrook North
Division: A
Live Event Coverage Sports

Entry Description

This was our first ever attempt at live-streaming a gymnastics meet. This was a five camera shoot, including three cameras (left, center, right), and two wireless cameras down on the floor that covered different events. We incorporated a live scoreboard feed (updated in real-time by the judges on the floor), and also had an audio engineer with announcers from our sportscasting class. We were able to stream one event live while recording another (which was going on at the same time). Once the live event ended, we would stream the recorded event, and then begin recording another event during the downtime.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/27 9:21 am - Great floor cam for horse but we need to see entire bodies for the entire event performance. Need better cam configuration so other events/traffic don’t block the event you’re currently using for program out. 1:50 – dismounts should never happen going away from a camera. Great graphics.
  • 4/25 8:53 am - For a first time at attempting gymnastics, very impressive! Great job following the action and having a leader board to give the audience context into what is happening. Announcers do a nice job of just letting the action happen and not talking too much but having interesting commentary ready for when the action stops. Well done!
  • 3/12 8:59 am - I have to agree with the other comments on this piece-- fantastic effort doing a sport that you rarely (if ever) see covered by a student broadcast. I've got to imagine that the athletes were really excited about this. The leader board graphics are imperative for a sport that is judged and you guys nailed it. The announcers do a good job of allowing the action to take place, and not step on what's going on too. I also think that if you could pull off replays for this sport, it would really enhance what the athletes are doing.
  • 3/3 9:53 am - Positive: The most impressive part of this is that you did a sport no one is brave enough to try. I am very impressed. Awesome job with the graphics to tie directly into the judges scores. I loved the lower third for the name. And you had a couple of cool camera angles.
  • 3/3 9:53 am - Improvements: The camera angles could improve their location in the future. I know this was your first attempt, so I'm sure it will only be better from here. Replay would be amazing here if you could pull it off. The commentary was inconsistent. There were definite moments of silence. The two also seemed a little ill-prepared for these events. They spoke to each moment, but didn't speak with great technical detail.
Judge 1



Judge 2

Positives: Your audio was crisp and the video quality was very good. Having those two qualities will go a long way to offset any deficiencies.

Improvements: I felt with so many cameras mentioned in the description, that the composition of the shots would vary more greatly, such as more close-ups, etc. It all felt the same. While the audio was crisp, the voice of the announcers may have dominated a bit too much while not allowing enough of the ambient sounds of the room that make the viewer feel more a part of the broadcast. I don't want to focus on announcer criticism too much, but it like they were guessing as to the outcome and should maybe worry less about anticipating the next move and focus more on talking about what did happen.

Judge 3

Positives: Camera angle was excellent for balance beam. Wide shot is a must. Good use of graphics to illustrate scores and totality of meet.

Improvements: Some of the audio was a bit jumbled and distracting for viewers. Could have used explanation of what graphics mean. What events count towards the all-around? How is number tabulated? Are scores based on 0-10? Assume viewer doesn't know this information.

Judge 4

