Mineola Hotel - ID# 133

Vernon Hills

Entry Description

An in-depth documentary looking into the mysterious history of the great "Mineola Hotel." In the past, it was a glamorous hotel and loved by all; now, it's at risk of being destroyed. The film is also meant to help spread the awareness and build more interest towards saving the "Grand Lady of the Lakes."

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 8:20 pm - Very interesting story on this hotel. Enjoyed how it began with the drone shots over the hotel. Interviews are quite compelling and the research and use of relevant footage was terrific. The voice over at times was sloppy, it seems as if their were some stumbles by the narrator that should have been re-recorded but were not. Otherwise very interesting story that this seems to be an excerpt from.
  • 4/22 3:14 pm - Really interesting story idea, great drone shots to show the majestic nature of the structure. The voice over was rushed and could have benefitted to a few additional takes to make it sound smoother, and properly pronounce everything. The jump cuts with the interview are distracting and jarring from an audio perspective.
  • 4/20 2:26 pm - +Nice drone shots of the hotel +good job using archival footage +interesting story. something i've never learned about before! -Nice idea with the VO, but the person is talking really fast. It's hard to take in everything that he is saying. -There's too much VO. VO should be used to help guide the story, not tell the majority of the story -this would benefit from at least one more interviewee
  • 3/5 1:50 pm - Positives: Nice use of historical footage to talk about the history. Interview footage on the black screen works well, but the subject shouldn't look at the camera. Creative B-roll. Areas for improvement: V.O. is rushed and distracting, in contrast to the slow relaxing music bed. Drone footage is nice, but additional shots of the current structure that are closer to feature detail of the building, or slow pans would add shot variety.
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