Making Homemade Maple Syrup - Demonstration - MMEA Submission 2019 - ID# 219

South Elgin

Entry Description

Who knew that making your own maple syrup was so easy? Directed by Joe Shubat, South Elgin High School Music credit: licensed by Killer Tracks

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/24 9:46 am - *Strengths: 1. Music selection 2. Shot variety (These shot helped depict the different steps in the process more clearly) *Areas on which to work: 1. Avoid things in the background that will distract the viewer's attention. 2. You are shooting with a very shallow depth of field; consequently, focus is an issue at times. You may want to manually focus your camera in order to make sure the correct object(s) are in focus. 3. The steps in your process identify what needs to be done and the order in which they need to be completed. You can strengthen your demonstration by providing more information regarding the techniques needed to complete various steps in the procedure. 4. Your narration also can include relevant and interesting background information related to your topic. The process alone likely will not be enough to keep the audience engaged. You could fill the "quiet" moments in your demonstration with this type of information (or use this time to talk about the process in more detail). 5. Continue to look for creative ways to begin and end your pieces.
  • 4/2 12:17 pm - Nice variety of shots. I liked the little frog. Nice to see the person making the recipe. I think there were some safety concerns. You poured the hot liquid into a container. Interesting music choice. Nicely done.
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