Energy Poverty - ID# 228

Vernon Hills
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

On a daily basis, people are working extensivly for philantrophies like "Solar Sisters," in Africa, trying to solve the horrid energy crisis. So, this project was created on the basis of awareness and support to the members working in the charity and the ones that are being supported by the charity.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 7:06 pm - Impressive use of claymation! I'm wondering if you could have also animated the face of your main character at the begin. It seems rather static!
  • 4/22 11:55 am - This PSA was one of my favorites because I know and understand how long clay and stop motion take. Take it up another level by layering sound. You did it with the marker circling the region and I think you could have done it with a lot of other objects in your piece.
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