Mother Ducker! - ID# 234

Vernon Hills
Comedic Narrative

Entry Description

Two women died and went to purgatory and where met by Joseph. He presents them with a duck, and as long as they take good care of the creature, they can live happily in heaven. If the duck is killed, the killer lives the rest of their lives in heaven with a man they can't stand. Unfortunately, the duck is killed by one of the females, which leaves the other with an option...saving her friend or joining her match made in heaven. When she chooses the man, she finds out the man had stepped on the duck, making her the most unappealing woman to him.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/24 3:38 pm - Excellent story and overall concept. Very original. The performances were all done pretty well and the production design was very well done and interesting. The camera shots were mostly well composed, though there were a few soft focus issues. The story was very enjoyable and almost in homage to Jean Paul Satre. Editing was well paced. The primary area of improvement and, this is a big area of improvement, is audio. Audio was all over the place. the music was way too loud and the dialogue was way too soft. The quality of each audio element seemed fine - it just wasn't refined or mixed well. Learn how to add compression to your dialogue and learn how to understand basic audio levels and where each element - dialogue, sound effects, and music should be mixed at. The general rule of thumb is that dialogue should be mixed between a range of -12 and -6 db, sound effects should be mixed between a range of -18 and -12 db and music should hover around -24 db, assuming the music is being played underneath dialogue and sound effects. If it isn't, it can have a more prominent place in the mix.
  • 4/12 12:29 pm - Interesting plot idea, liked the setup for the car scenes and the dynamic camera movement used to simulate driving. Good use of different shot types and angles and of course, the big punchline at the end. Actors performed well and it appears that there was definitely some quality planning and prep work done for this. Good job!
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