Spotify Premium Commercial - ID# 269


Entry Description

When listening to music, there's nothing worse than an interrupting ad. This ordinary student is working hard on an assignment and uses his music to keep on task. When an unsuspecting ad arises, this student faces a major hurdle in completing his assignment. With the Premium version of Spotify, this will no longer be a problem.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 8:46 pm - You have a lot of great connecting shots here that follow the actor from the moment he gets to school to when he makes it to the room. It was also a good decision to not play any music until he starts the Spotify app. The audio of the Spotify ad seems to have been recorded a little hot, and I understand that you are trying to showcase how annoying the ads can be but it ends up being a little too much.
  • 4/25 12:16 pm - Works well - Excellent concept! Good idea to not include much audio until the music begins playing to add mood to the neutral scene. Some cool shots and lots of shot variety. Needs work - Some of the shots are trying so hard to be interesting that they are awkward. The audio for the voice-over is not so good, and it gets even worse every time it's repeated. You don't want to annoy the audience, you want them to leave the commercial happy.
  • 4/25 8:23 am - Odd shaky camera work in the final seconds of the commercial. Also, it's always a risky marketing proposition to emphasize the annoying parts of your product. For instance, you wouldn't try to sell a low-fat McDonald's product by mentioning how fattening their other food is.
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