Vaping PSA - ID# 3

Glenbrook North
Public Service Announcement

Entry Description

My partner and I decided to try and take on the serious topic of teen vaping by approaching it in the most teen friendly way possible-- humor. In pointing out the ridiculousness of this dangerous teen habit, we hope to discourage teens from continuing this unsafe practice in an attempt to look "cool".

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/25 7:07 pm - This was really creative and also made me laugh a bit. However, it wasn't always clear that your actors were trying to mimic vaping. Could you add a smoke effect next time to make this more clear?
  • 4/22 11:57 am - I thought your concept and shots were well done. I would have picked out another piece of music that was less distracting without lyrics and possibly had actual audio of the objects meant to look cool.
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