Czech Culinary Classics - ID# 324

Riverside Brookfield

Entry Description

Czech Culinary Classics is a series which aims to educate the viewer on how to prepare some of the most classic dishes from the Czech Republic. Music provided by Audio Blocks.

Recent Teacher Comments

  • 4/24 11:31 am - *Strengths: 1. Video quality 2. Clear presentation of materials 3. Lively music *Areas on which to improve: 1. The steps in your process identify what needs to be done and the order in which they need to be completed. You can strengthen your demonstration by providing more information regarding the techniques needed to complete various steps in the procedure. 2. You can strengthen the clarity of your process by incorporating a voice-over narration. Your narration also can include relevant and interesting background information related to your topic. The process alone likely will not be enough to keep the audience engaged. 3. In the future, place more emphasis on beginning and ending your pieces in a more creative/memorable manner. 4. Look for opportunities to make your audio track richer by incorporating some nat sound.
  • 4/2 12:47 pm - Font was a good choice for crepes. Graphics were interesting on the items instead of off in the corner. Music repeated and could have been edited to sync with the actions every time. Good easy to understand instructions. Nice camera angles and changes and use of items popping in. Would have been better with narration instead on lengthy graphics. Overall very nice.
  • 3/4 1:51 pm - I like the use of the focus to guide our attention. Music is nice. The whisking seemed to match the music! Good use of drop shadow on the graphics. Like the time lapse of the piling up of the crepes. Good variety on the placement of the graphics.
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Judge 3



Judge 4

